Change Perspective To Create Success

A member of the Yes For Success community shared his struggle with ‘getting the word out‘ about the great work his NGO was doing.

How should an NGO get the word out so that people know about what we are doing?” he asked.

 Jock, an extremely successful consultant, author and illustrator who is one of the members of our community asked, “Michael, if you were a retail organisation, how would you approach this situation?

Oh! That’s easy. I’d use testimonials from happy customers, ask them to spread the word, use traditional advertising and social media to highlight these points, share ‘good news’ stories, invite key people and media to events…”

As it transpired I was able to learn that Michael had a view that because an NGO has limited financial resources it would be difficult for it to spread the word about what it does.

His mindset had blocked him from taking action because his mindset had predetermined what was possible and what wasn’t possible.

When Michael reviewed his answer to Jock’s question he was able to ‘see‘ that the majority of his suggestions, while requiring effort, didn’t need a lot of funds. A change in perspective enabled him to see his problem in a different light which opened up possibilities that had previously been impossible.

This is a major strategy that successful people use. When you are stuck, find a way to see your issue from a different perspective. Look at what that perspective suggests and carry out what you can.

If you struggle to imagine a different perspective because you are so close to your own issue, then find people who genuinely want to help and are ready to propose a different perspective. Ask them what they think. Their answers could be worth their weight in ‘gold‘.

How are you accessing different perspectives? Visit our community to see how you can join an ever-growing community of like-minded people who are all striving to create their own version of Life Balance and Personal Success.

Gary Ryan enables organisations, leaders and talented people to move Beyond Being Good.