Category Archives: job success

Do you really ‘Have’ to do that?

“I have to submit this project tomorrow.
I have an assignment I have to complete tonight.
I have to go to a dinner with my partner.
I have to attend my child’s performance.
I have to prepare for a meeting tomorrow.
I have to. I have to. I have to.”

Guess what. You don’t.

You don’t “have” to do anything.

Sure there are consequences for not doing these things. There are also consequences for doing them too.

Which brings me to my point. Think about how differently you would apply yourself to the above activities if you actively chose to do them or decided that you are doing them because you want to do them rather than you “have” to do them.

Think about all the things that you are doing because you believe that you “have” to do them. What would happen if you didn’t do them?

Maybe the consequence would be that you would miss out on something that you really want, such as your partner feeling that you really do love him/her. Or maybe you would miss out on a promotion that you really want.

What if you were to switch from the perspective of “have to or else…”, to “want to because…”?

When you understand why you are doing what you are doing in the moment and how it will help you to achieve what you really want, it is amazing how much happier you are right now when you fully apply yourself to the activity whatever it may be. This also increases the chances that you’ll also be happier in the future.

This is one of the key success strategies when you plan and action personal success.

Try it out and let me know how you go. I’m confident that you will be positively surprised.

Gary Ryan enables individuals, teams and organisations to matter.
Visit Gary at

Say “Yes” for Career Success Now Launched

My audacious project to give away $1.97 million worth of high quality online training over five days has just been launched!

If you answer “Yes” to one or more of the following questions, then this course is suitable for you:
  1. Have you recently graduated from university?
  2. Are you within the first 10 years of your career but haven’t quite made the progress you desire?
  3. Do you believe in taking responsibility for your personal and professional development?
  4. Are you an experienced employee who would like to refresh your knowledge and skills?
  5. Are you dissatisfied with your current employer and want to find out how you can improve your performance so that you can ‘develop your way into a new job or career’?
  6. Are you a consistently ‘good’ performer who wants to achieve a higher level of performance?
  7. Do you want to be in control of your career rather than leaving the control of your future in the hands of your employer? (Did you know that according to international research on employability, employers prefer employees to have a clear vision for themselves?)

Check out the full details here!

Gary Ryan enables individuals, teams and organisations to matter.
Visit Gary at