Life and leadership are rarely black and white. We often operate in the subtle shades of gray, where seemingly contradictory emotions and states coexist. Have you ever felt truly capable but somewhat adrift? Or found yourself smiling on the outside while managing internal struggles?
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Category Archives: Leadership
Australia’s employee engagement is 23% – this is a leadership problem
Given Gallup’s recent report that employee engagement in Australia is only at 23% (matching the global average), increasing it is vital not only for your organisation’s success but for the staff and their success and, therefore, the success of our society.
What is happening in organisations has a MASSIVE impact on the world we live in.
Continue reading Australia’s employee engagement is 23% – this is a leadership problem
A counterintuitive plan for 2022
There are many names for what is described as The Great Resignation.
Michele Hunt from DreamMakers.Org calls it The Great Soul Searching. Employees are asking, “Is this organisation worthy of my commitment?” When the answer is, “No”, they are leaving (up to 50% of these folk are doing so even if they don’t have a job to go to). A record 3.98 million Americans per month quit their jobs in 2021, up from the previous record of 3.5 million per month in 2019. This figure does not include redundancies or people “sacked” from their job, and many other countries are experiencing a similar phenomenon.
Are you considering joining The Great Resignation?
In August 2021, 4.3 million people resigned from their jobs in the USA and this phenomenon on its way to Asia and Australia. According to this article from, the people quitting included front-line workers to CEOs.
Continue reading Are you considering joining The Great Resignation?
Discover how mental models drive your behaviour at work
Understanding your mental models is key for understanding your behaviour, especially when at work. Read on to learn more about mental models.
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How to overcome business challenges in three steps
Business challenges are ever-present. Read on to view a simple, three-step process that uses the principles of Creative Tension, to help you to overcome any challenge.
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The true value of the move to working from home
Within a matter of days, millions of workers transitioned from on-site offices to working from home. In many instances, people overcame extraordinary obstacles to be able to continue to contribute to their organisation. It’s time we paused and recognised the value of that effort by so many people.
Continue reading The true value of the move to working from home
Is your leadership helping or hindering?
Michele Hunt said, “Leadership is a serious meddling in other people’s lives”.
There are rare moments in time when the power that comes with leadership so poignantly aligns with Michelle’s comments, and we are experiencing one of them right now. The COVID-19 pandemic is highlighting who can lead, and who can’t lead.
Cash is King. Clarity is Queen.
In the mid-1990s, I was introduced to the term, “Cash is King”. It means that, in business, you can never forget that accountants and finance rule the day. All of us, no matter where we live and work, exist within an economic reality that is ruled by the mighty dollar.
Everything that we do as leaders, ultimately, will be judged by its economic impact. Yet, I preach Servant Leadership which is about recognising the full potential of people and enabling them to shine.
How does Servant Leadership marry with “Cash is King”?
Read on if you’d like to discover how the two are related.
What are you not saying to your boss?
One of my executive coaching clients is extremely successful. He regularly receives six-figure bonuses and is constantly approached by head-hunters.
Earlier this year he was flat. He was frustrated with his boss. Despite his success, he wasn’t sure if his boss had his back or understood what frustrated him.
“Have you told him?” I asked.
“No, not really.” he replied.
“Why not?” I implored.
He had a lot of reasons. The biggest one was that he didn’t want his boss to see him as being paranoid. As we explored this issue, he shared that his frustrations were affecting him at home, and he had been less motivated than usual about his exercise and health program. This issue was affecting his entire life.