A retail MBA in an article – BRW interview with Janine Allis

Rarely is an article written that captures the essence of what it takes to be a successful business person.

This recent article in BRW is an exception.

Kate Mills is able to draw from Janine Allis, founder of Boost Juice the core principles of her success, which include:

  • Maintaining focus and not being distracted from your core products/services
  • Understanding the basic factors that exist in the industry within which you operate
  • As an owner you have to really understand your business – including the parts that may not be in your areas of strength
  • You have to have and look after the right people
  • You must be tight with your spending
  • Focus on making the customer a fan
  • Look outside your box for ideas as catalysts for innovation
  • The willingness to work cannot be underestimated
  • Allis’ principles of success – her five Ps (People, Positioning, Product, Price, Promotion)

This article is well worth the five minutes it will take to read.

Let me know what you think!

Gary Ryan enables individuals, teams and organisations to matter.
Visit Gary at http://garyryans.com