As a student of success I like to hear other people’s perspectives and views. This three minute video from Richard St John is one of the most succinct perspectives I have seen. It’s cleverly pieced together too!I’m interested in hearing your examples for each of his 8 secrets of success. You can view the short video here.
To start things off I’m a big believer in being passionate about what you do. I love helping people get better at what they do and quite simply rejoice when they achieve the success they are striving to achieve! Recently one of my Executive Coaching clients shared how someone who they thought ‘wouldn’t make it’ in terms of the organisational change he was catalysing had, “had her light come on and could now see what we are trying to create!”. Now that’s a ‘Ka-Ching! Moment’ that re-enfoces why I am passionate about what I do.
The energy that you receive from living your passion, in my view helps us to sustain some of the challenges that are imbedded in the other seven secrets.
What is an example that you might have of implementing one of Richard St John’s 8 secrets of success
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