This complimentary ebook is for Senior & Developing Leaders who share our view that organisational success is created through enabling people to be the best they can be, was created from a selection of articles published on the OTM Academy from May 1st 2012 through to August 31st 2012.
The ebook includes articles to help you move from ‘good’ to ‘high’ performance.
Please feel free to join the OTM Academy – it’s free!
In the ebook you will discover:
* What ‘Truth to Power’ is and how it affects performance
* Why communicating via multiple channels matters
* How Virgin Australia handled a brand damaging event
* Why change management is an oxymoron
* How to use three steps to bring organisational values to life
* How to be free of problems within your business
* How to use five steps to connect strategy to action
*And much, much more!
Order this free ebook to download here.
Contributing authors include:
- Gary Ryan
- Ian Berry
Visit Gary at