It is 8 pm. I have had dinner with my family and helped clean up. After I post this article, I will walk with my wife. I’ll then do another hour or so working on my next book, “Yes For Success – How to clarify your future and create a plan that tells you exactly what to do to get there.”
Am I “working” when I write this article? Is it “work” when I edit my next chapter?
I don’t know. It isn’t how I view my time.
Am I producing? Yes, 100% I am.
Too many people, including young professionals entering the workforce, have been “sold” a false idea. The idea goes like this: Work eight hours, play eight hours, and sleep eight hours. I call it the “8 8 8 Philosophy”. This philosophy also suggests that when you get a job, demand your employer consider your life-balance requests and ensure you get paid for every minute of your work.
Continue reading 888 is a fantasy – Go all in if you want to be successful!