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Tag Archives: leadership development
What is in your control?
Understanding what is in your control and what is not can help you manage stress, focus on what you can change, and let go of what you can’t.
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It is possible to be…
Life and leadership are rarely black and white. We often operate in the subtle shades of gray, where seemingly contradictory emotions and states coexist. Have you ever felt truly capable but somewhat adrift? Or found yourself smiling on the outside while managing internal struggles?
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Australia’s employee engagement is 23% – this is a leadership problem
Given Gallup’s recent report that employee engagement in Australia is only at 23% (matching the global average), increasing it is vital not only for your organisation’s success but for the staff and their success and, therefore, the success of our society.
What is happening in organisations has a MASSIVE impact on the world we live in.
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It is time to give away 10,000 free #1 bestseller audio and ebooks
How to get a FREE copy of my #1 Amazon Kindle Bestseller Audio and ebook versions
Many of you would be aware that I recently had surgery to replace my right hip. The surgery has gone very well and I am now back on my feet, which is great 😀 👏 .
A few Sundays ago was the first time I had been to a function at our local junior football club, of which we have been members for 15 years and for which I have held many roles, including having commenced the girls junior football program back in 2015, which is still going strong today 👊.
As a result of a story too long to share, I had a box full of my books that didn’t cost me anything. I thought to myself, “Who could I share these with? How can I share some ❤️?”
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Micromanage, Micromanage, Micromanage, Your Decisions
According to The Cambridge Dictionary, micromanaging means ” controlling every part of a situation, even small details”.
Over 17 years of consulting to a broad range of industries, including banking, industrial services, tertiary education, elite sport, developers, public transport, health, insurance, agriculture, all levels of government, broadcasting, retail, and hospitality (there’s more, but you get the picture :), a consistent theme is the lack of clarity about decision making.
When people are unclear about their role, what they are responsible for achieving, and how they will be accountable for achieving those results, decision-making is non-existent.
And, when people think that “voting is how decisions get made around here, ” that may be OK at your local sporting club, but it isn’t OK for organisations that aspire to high performance.
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Discover the secret to a thriving workplace
Ever wondered why some workplaces are buzzing with positivity, while others feel like a drag? The secret sauce is: HIGH-QUALITY CONVERSATIONS!
They’re the cornerstone of a thriving workplace culture!
Let’s dive into why workplace conversations matter and how you can create an environment that fosters better communication. 🌏🤝
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How Psychologically Safe is your team?
In 1999 Harvard Business School Professor of Leadership and Management Amy Edmondson discovered that Psychological Safety was the most crucial factor for determining team performance.
Edmondson defines Psychological Safety as including the following three traits:
The no-fuss way for leaders to seek feedback
One of the biggest challenges faced by #21CenturyLeaders, is receiving regular, honest, #feedback.
You can overcome this challenge by using the following technique.
When you are conducting your regular one on one #conversations with your direct reports or peers, consider saying the following:
“Like yourself, I’m eager to improve myself as a leader, and I want to be the best leader I can be for our organisation. Over time, I have learned that it is challenging to improve without feedback. No doubt I have a view about how I’m performing and behaving, but it is never quite the same as hearing other people’s perspectives on how I am doing.
In that context, I would appreciate it if you would be willing to provide me with specific regular feedback? By regular, I mean every month or so, while sometimes it would also be helpful if you gave me immediate feedback if you saw something that needed instant attention.”
Is this something you would be interested in helping me with?”
(Assuming they agree – which most people will)…
To help them be effective with their feedback to you, they will need clarity and structure. In this context, there are four questions I recommend you ask them to focus on.
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How to receive second-hand feedback
Anna is a confident senior leader with seven people reporting to her, and Jo, one of her direct reports, is a trusted colleague.
Last week, Jo asked Anna if they could have a chat about something “sensitive”. Anna agreed.
Here is their dialogue from the start of their meeting.
Anna: What sensitive issue would you like to discuss with me?
Jo: It’s about Jason. He has asked if I can share some feedback with you on his behalf, but he doesn’t feel comfortable telling you.
Anna: Why doesn’t Jason feel comfortable telling me whatever he wants you to say to me? As you know, I have an open-door policy, and anyone can give me feedback. I always tell everyone they can say to me whatever they like, and I will listen. I thought I had a good relationship with Jason, which is disappointing news. And he has been part of our team for nearly a year now. I can’t believe he can’t tell me what is wrong. What is it that he wants you to say to me?
Have you ever been in Anna, Jo or Jason’s position? All three are tricky, aren’t they?